Un dipinto di Wu Daozi (ca 710 - 760) andate a vederlo
perchè è chilometrico.
Poi, alcuni magnifici cavalli e cavalieri.
Han Gan (?-780) Metropolitan di N.Y.
Ancora Han Gan
Dal bel sito sulla pittura classica cinese
Su Han Gan, o Kan queste notizie, tratte da THIS PAGE IS FOR SUNY ALBANY STUDENTS WHO TAKE CHINESE PAINTING WITH PROFESSOR HARTMAN, un sito dalle pessime riproduzioni, che tuttavia percorre oggetti d'arte cinese rappresentativi e famosi, commentandoli. La nota commenta il primo dipinto, quello con il cavallo bianco, che apprendiamo chiamarsi Night-shining White.
"Han Kan (active 740-760), Night-shining White. Short handscroll. Ink on paper. Chinese paintings of horses are an important subgenre of portrait painting because fine horses were prized for the same qualities prized in humans: strength, fortitude, perseverance. Han Kan was a Court painter who specialized in painting "portraits" of the horses in T'ang Emperor Ming-huang's stable, which is reputed to have housed 40,000 head, among them a pure white stallion called "Night-shining White." According to traditional Chinese aesthetic standards, a good horse painting must not only faithfully depict the flesh and bone-structure of the animal, but also capture its fundamental spirit or essence. This picture may be compared to the famous T'ang three-color pottery horse, and is the beginning of a long tradition of later Chinese horse painting"
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